Project Description

This project, valued at 6.65 million euros from the 11th European Development Fund, aims to reduce disaster and climate-related losses in terms of the human, economic, social, physical and environmental assets of IOC member states. This is in line with the “Sendaï Framework for Action on Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 – 2030)”.


The specific objectives of the project are to:

  • Improve the understanding of disaster risk reduction (DRR) and the governance capacities of island states;
  • Strengthen disaster risk response capacities in the Indian Ocean region.

Expected results:

  • institutional and operational capacity-building to improve risk preparedness and disaster response management
  • creation of a regional early warning mechanism

This project will be supported by the expertise of:

  • The “Plateforme d’intervention régionale de l’océan Indien de la Croix-Rouge” (PIROI)
  • of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).