Embarking on a journey of innovation and collaboration, the Port Security and Safety of Navigation Programme- EA-SA-IO region (PSP) unfurls a new chapter in maritime security. Following the dynamic 2nd Steering Committee in May 2023, numerous national consultation workshops have been organized in the beneficiary countries of the program. Impactful national consultation workshops were held in Seychelles, Mozambique, Mauritius, Kenya and Comoros. Far from routine meetings, these gatherings were vibrant hubs where key stakeholders converged to not just discuss but immerse themselves in the PSP’s visionary objectives but also focusing on capacity building of navigation safety authorities, the development of port security legislation and the establishment of regional information sharing mechanisms.

Workshop in Kenya and Comoros- October 2023

The workshops were not just another meeting but a pivotal platform where key stakeholders came together to discuss and align with the PSP’s strategic objectives. These objectives were carefully crafted to reinforce maritime security in the region, focusing on three primary Result Areas:

  • Strengthening capacities of safety of navigation authorities in the EA-SA-IO region.
  • Development of port security legislation and the related compliance framework.
  • Establishment of a regional information sharing mechanism and data exchange system concerning cargo and passengers.
  • The Significance of National Ownership of the programme

What made these workshops unique were its emphasis on national ownership. It was not about outsiders dictating; instead, it was about empowering nations in the region to take charge of their maritime security. The event provided an opportunity for relevant stakeholders to understand the progress and challenges in implementing PSP activities.

Key Participants from different agencies in Kenya and Comoros

Representatives from various crucial agencies participated in these workshops. These included the Law enforcement Agencies, Coast Guard, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions , Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Blue Economy, Ports Authority, Marine Authority National Coast Guard among others. The workshops, as an enabler, facilitated constructive dialogues and joint planning, further strengthening the commitment of these agencies to ensure a safer maritime environment through enhanced security measures.

Region-Wide Initiatives

Looking ahead, there’s more to come. Future workshops are scheduled for in Madagascar Angola Tanzania and Namibia. These upcoming gatherings are poised to further strengthen collaboration among multi-agency stakeholders, adding to the region’s maritime security capabilities.

A Collective Vision for Maritime Security

The combined outcomes of these workshops will play a pivotal role in advancing the PSP’s objectives, ultimately contributing to the successful implementation of activities and enhancing maritime security in the EA-SA-IO region. Through the collaborative efforts of national agencies and regional workshops, a safer and more secure Indian Ocean region is within reach, fostering not just security but a brighter future for all nations involved.


Renforcement de la sécurité maritime dans l’océan Indien : consultations nationales au Kenya et aux Comores

Le Programme de sécurité portuaire et sûreté de la navigation (PSP) franchit une nouvelle étape dans la promotion de la sécurité maritime. Après le deuxième comité de pilotage en mai 2023, une série d’ateliers de consultation nationale a été lancée dans les pays bénéficiaires du programme dont les Seychelles, le Mozambique, Maurice, le Kenya et les Comores.

Ces ateliers ont servi de plateforme centrale où les parties prenantes ont pu s’aligner sur les objectifs stratégiques du PSP, axés sur le renforcement des capacités des autorités chargées de la sécurité de la navigation, l’élaboration de législations sur la sûreté portuaire et la mise en place de mécanismes régionaux de partage d’informations.

Priorité à l’appropriation nationale. 

L’accent mis sur l’appropriation nationale a permis aux pays de la région d’assumer leur responsabilité en matière de sécurité maritime. Les représentants de diverses agences importantes ont participé à ces consultations, favorisant les dialogues constructifs et renforçant l’engagement envers des mesures de sécurité renforcées.

Des initiatives similaires sont prévues dans d’autres pays de la région, notamment Madagascar, l’Angola, la Tanzanie et la Namibie, visant à renforcer la collaboration entre les agences et à accroître les capacités en matière de sécurité maritime.

Ces efforts collectifs contribueront à la mise en œuvre réussie des activités du PSP, améliorant ainsi la sécurité maritime dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Est, l’Afrique austral et l’océan Indien (AE-AA-OI).