First subcomponent
Implementation of the resolutions of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) in the countries of the south-west Indian Ocean
1. Renforce le soutien à la coordination régionale dans le cadre de SWIOFish1 en ciblant la gestion du thon et des espèces apparentées par le biais de la CTOI.
2. Support the participation of the countries of the South-West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SBSC) in the IOTC Forum
3. Strengthen compliance with international fisheries obligations under the IOTC.
4. Assist the IOTC in providing support and training to Member States for the implementation of IOTC resolutions for the sustainable management of tuna fisheries.
1. Strengthening the capacity of the IOTC Secretariat with long‐term technical/administrative and support staff for implementation of the subcomponent;
2. Carrying out sessions, intersessional meetings, and studies to inform the Working Parties and Working Groups within the IOTC and to strengthen beneficiary countries’ capacity on compliance;
3. Reinforcing compliance with the IOTC Resolutions in the beneficiary countries, including financing compliance missions on CMMs, the delivery of workshops and training, the development of guidelines and a compendium, the transposition of IOTC’s Resolutions into national legislation, the development of an information system, the creation of a logbook system, and the promotion of awareness on the IOTC’s processes and CMMs;
4. Strengthening flag state performance of beneficiary countries through a better understanding and implementation of their obligations; (e) strengthening the implementation of port states of measures to fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, through the required administrative and operational support underpinning, delivery of regional training for national interagency cooperation and regional cooperation, the development and improvement of an electronic application and the training of coastal countries in its use, and promotion of awareness and provision of legal support; and
5. Strengthening the beneficiary countries’ capacity for MCS of tuna and tuna‐like fisheries, through the production of a best practices manual and related guidelines and technical assistance for implementation of the newly adopted IOTC Resolutions.