Third subcomponent
Support for the Federation of Artisanal Fishermen of the Indian Ocean (FPAOI)
1. Facilitate the coordination and strengthening of the FPAOI secretariat,
2. Encourage the participation of artisanal fishermen associations in the SWIO region in regional and international forums.
3. Support a more inclusive approach to fisheries policy and management.
1. Strengthening of the capacity of the FPAOI Secretariat;
2. Statutory meetings and regional consultations;
3. Participation in regional and international key events in particular regional fisheries bodies’ meetings; and
Empowering Fishing Communities with better fishing techniques
Teach a man how to fish, you shall feed him for a lifetime... How about teaching fishermen how to use the adequate [... lire plus]
- Consolidating small-scale fishing in the Indian Ocean: Review of the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Artisanal Fishermen of the Indian Ocean (FPAOI)
Consolidating small-scale fishing in the Indian Ocean: Review of the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Artisanal Fishermen of the Indian Ocean (FPAOI)
Consolidating small-scale fishing in the Indian Ocean: Review of the Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Artisanal Fishermen of the Indian Ocean (FPAOI)
The Annual General Meeting of the FPAOI has been a pivotal event for professionals of artisanal fishing in the region. Participants from [... lire plus]
When transparency empowers communities…
During the 27th session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, which took place in Mauritius from 8th to 12th of May 2023, [... lire plus]